Tuesday 10 December 2013

Be my buddy, PLEASE!

Have you waited so long to be my buddy?
Now it's your chance! It's simple, just follow these easy steps!

1. Open your Animal Jam. Enter your username and password and click PLAY.
(If it's too small to see, click on the pictures to enlarge it)

2. When it's already loaded, click the envelope button on the upper left of your screen to open Jam-A-Gram.

3. Create a card just like this and send it to me! (Wrong cards will not accepted!) Optional, you can add any gifts that you want ^-^ thank you if you send one!

4. Send it and wait for a respond from me!

You better hurry because only 20 lucky Jammers that will be accepted by me. Late Jam-A-Grams won't accepted :(


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