Monday, 9 April 2012

Scammers Trick

Hiya Jammers!

In Jamaa there's many scammers - As we all know, they want to be rich. They want to get rares and wanna be the best animal. Here's the scammers trick i have known so far :

Scammer will offer a rares or anything doesn't he/she have, and the scammer will take the victim to go to scammer's den, told the victim to trade the rare item on trade, but the scammer trade the victim cheap thing. Then when the victim accept the trade, the scammer left the poor victim.

NB : I've been scammed, but the scammer gave me back my pufferfish :)

Scammer will saying this is my birthday, or send me things i'm a newbie/poor. Things like that, don't send any items and ignore. If there's a newbie, check their achievements and if the achievements is only one (Color me Rad) or less than 3 achievements, it's okay to send. If you send, the scammer will laugh and give you nothing.

This is same like Trick 2, but the scammer offers to teach you a glitch IF you give her/his rare thing. Something like that, ignore! Many people want to teach you a glitch with honest!

Jammers, beware with scammers around the Jamaa! It could be dangerous by yourself! If you feel uncomfortable, just report and leave the people who makes you feel uncomfortable! Remember, if you got scammed, report and make sure to tell parents to help you .. By the way, keep jamming & keep safe Jammers!

This is the picture of the scamming trick :


  1. I got scammed before :( they took my fox hat, but that was long time ago so, when months passed by, this bunny (who is now my friend i will continue the thing tho) said: if you want my fox hat come to my den! I knew i wanted one so... i went there and she said, put something good on your trade list for my fox hat! (She had 2 fox hats) i put my lollipop necklace i had earned then she said, i want your tree house and lollipop cause i had a treehouse i went like, ok! Then we traded and she clicked yes! everybody there was sad and left, then the bunny asked if we could be friends and...

  2. I said yay! Then we were friends :) thats how i got a fox hat back (long thing sorry) my user name is:rainbowdangerdoo

    1. Congratulations =) it means you have to try, don't give up to scammer like that :)

  3. I've never got scammed... I only got hacked I really didn't have much rares back then.. I do now x3
    User: a52259 How to contact me: Send Jam-a-gram or buddy me lol my den is usally unlocked

    1. What for spike? :OO

    2. Traded it for a mech angel helmet and white beta tail.. sorry :((( ~a52259aj~ Suscribe Fosterlager2000

  4. dont fall for this trick its like first i went to a random persons den and he said best trade wins a rare bow then a boy popped up but i could tell it was not someone else it was him! he traded the necklace for a silver necklace and he accepted and then he put on his old rare bow and then he said yay and stuff and the scammer said i have 2 necklaces!

  5. and the member scammer left and the non member got another account from a new tab and the other account said he is not a scammer and the scammer stopped talking so dont fall for this trick ppl its a new tab okay?

  6. I got scammed, before i read this. It was the first scam abve. I traded 3 rares and a fox hat (not rare). And the person said yes. I got a stupid regular necklace and im so mad! But I'm gonna get my rares back, and never fall for a scam again!


    April Fools!!!!

  8. I was scammed my pirate's sword!! Someone if I am available please trade me one! I will trade you something good! (BTW I AM NOT SCAMMING SCAMMERS ARE LOSERS (sorry for language)!)YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TRADE ME I am just saying that happened and I reeeealy want one again! I understand if you can't I'm not going to beg cuz I'm NOT A SCAMMER :D
    (Username: Gerathon4)

  9. I lost my rare long spike ounce :'(

  10. I got my spike scammed i was rlly sad because this scammer said to go their den if you wanted a hd then they were like Trade any bad wrist you have then if i dont accept it you dont win the hd (but he accepted all of them and didn't give anyone a hd

  11. I scammed before and I felt terrible so I turned myself in and got that account banned and my new account is perfectly honest, my new account has lots of rares i am really rich I did not have to scam, I felt so good
