Tuesday, 22 May 2012

True Friendship

Hiya Jammers!

Have you ever had a problem with other Jammers? Or you fighting with scammer? I've met someone today.
Her user is IceNinjaZane. You can add her.
In the beginning, she said "Send me rares, the best rare will get my royal garden!". And i was there, and saying : "You're scamming!" The other penguin say it too. Then, my fight with her was unstoppable. In the fight, many peoples said "Stop fighting!". But i haven't finish my problem. I must get back the justice.
And, she tell me to go to the edge of the sky. She said she want to tell me a secret.
After that, i realized, what i did wasn't right. She have a sensitive nature. Then, we became friends.
...And actually, she isn't want to tell people to send rares. Actually, she said wrong sentence!
This is the photo of our togetherness :

And the great news is, i got back my bow! Ahh, i really miss my bow.

If you ever met Infinity (IceNinjaZane), don't hurt her. Actually, she's really kind.
Keep Jamming Around the Jamaa! True Friendship is never end!

Monday, 21 May 2012

Rare Mech Angel Wings!

Hiya Jammers!
We got a really rare stuff!
Here's the stuff :

a Rare Mech Angel Wings!
It's non-member!!
Finally AJHQ know what we want!
Thank you AJHQ!
Keep Jaming and Stay out from Scammers using the trade list!

Sunday, 20 May 2012

New Code Again!

Hiya Jammers!

After Peskyphantoms code, there's a new code again! Thanks to Snowyclaw's blog, i found that code and it's really worked.. That code is this : NGKIDSROX. Make sure you type it right!

Let's try it.. :)

Instantly got 1000 gems... *wink*

So check out the Codes page! This 2 codes will added to Codes page!
Keep Jamming Around the Jamaa!

Go Green

Hiya Jammers..

This post reminds you to always keep the environment clean and comfortable! As you can see, in this world many trees and forests are damaged and broken.. And are you realized this world getting hotter? It means earth's atmosphere are broken, making the sun directly goes to earth without any protection from the atmosphere.. Without atmosphere, we will roasted. That incident is called global warming.

So, it's really easy to do! Just plant a tree or plants on your home, with parents permission! It will help environment survive from global warming! One small thing will be the biggest thing!

So, Keep Jamming and Save The World from Global Warming!


Hiya Jammers!

Sorry i can't post new things lately, because my computer hasn't got a Wi-Fi. And now i'm still posting at my notebook! By the way, let's go to the point. Animal Jam updating and creating new stuffs, like this one.

I got a jam-a-gram from Animal Jam Headquarters! The Jam-a-Gram is about a new code, the new code is PESKYPHANTOMS! So, i try it ...

Then, i got 2 gifts like this!

First, 1000 gems! Woohoo!

Second, i got Imprisoned Phantoms!! Now i've got 2 Imprisoned Phantoms!

Seriously when i use my brother's account (nonmember account), my brother's den changed into a member's den! Filled with member items like pets, walls, floors, and other things!
This is the extraordinary glitch!

(Click the pic. to enlarge it)

See? To prove i'm not lying, see the den name! It says "2smart4you's den". And you could check that username, it matches with the bunny character!

Also, i got a new update from AJHQ.
If you log out, something will pop up to your screen.

Click the X button to exit.

That is Fun-tastic Jammers! Feel free to use any photos! *except the CODE one!*
Keep Jamming Around the Jamaa Jammers!

Saturday, 19 May 2012

New Stuff!

Hiya Jammers!
We got new stuff at Animal Jam!
And here's the stuff :
-Sun Necklace :
-Space Ship Command(in sale again!) and Bronze Brick :
And that's the new stuff!
Keep Jaming and Stay out from Scammers using the trade list!

Monday, 14 May 2012


Hiya Jammers!

We have lots of new changes and updates in Jamaa, and here's the Jamaa Journal this week!

(Click the picture to enlarge it)

After land den item contest, we have ocean den item contest! But this is a little unfair for nonmembers because ocean den item is for members only. Wish Animal Jam Headquarters make one ocean den for nonmembers..

Have you solve the mystery word in Jamaa Journal last week? I solve it with Milo. It was giraffe! Giraffes are coming soon to Jamaa! And, the new party come out. It was Cruise Ship Party! I will explain the Cruise Ship Party in the next post.

Join the Club now to get extraordinary gift, Phantom Invasion game!
And now, in America there's a competition called GeoBee! A geographic contest for all brightest young minds!

Animal Jam Headquarters add 'rare' text to some rare items in Jamaa.
For avoid many scammers in Jamaa, AJHQ tell us once again to watch the trading system cool video!

And.. the special thing is, Animal Jam Headquarters sent a gift to Jammers all around the world!

The gift is..

What a wonderful gift!

Nonmembers can't get it, but i trade with a kind member person that traded me the Imprisoned Phantoms for my rare heart locket. Now i only have one rare locket, but it's okay.

New item in Jam Mart Clothing! Yippie!

It's only cost 300 gems.. Not expensive.


Also, i tried Jamaa Derby game in Jamaa Township near the Pillow Room :

The game is about the racing horses, and we need to jump over the obstacles to get move on. If you don't jump over the obstacles, you will get behind.

This is the carrots. One carrot gives you once boost, and one slot is filled with 3 carrots.

Boost will help you move faster than normally.

You can use emoticons too on Jamaa Derby!


Like this!

This bar shows your progress in the race.

And if you get first place (1st), you will get this on your animal while you quit Jamaa Derby!

Best Moment ever on my life!

Snowflake Snowybunny : Milo
Miss Icyfly                     : Azhura
Enchanted Icybunny       : Velda

Keep Jamming Around the Jamaa!

Saturday, 12 May 2012


Hi Jammers!
This is milo16 posting in midnight!
I'm alone at my room -.-
Ok , here the point!
I open Animal Jam at 1.30 AM!
And it's Online AGAIN!!
So Enjoy playing again!
I'm off to sleep cuz Today is Velda's Birthday Party!
I can't share the picture cuz i'm on the other laptop...
So Good Morning Jammers!

Friday, 11 May 2012

A message from AJHQ

Hiya Jammers..

Today we have a worst day ever. From 12.00 am (clock in my blog) we can't play Animal Jam.. What a terrible problem. Yup, this message comes when i enter Animal Jam and started to play :
Click here to enlarge the picture.

See the text :
What the .. Phantoms?!
Only Phantoms? I'm waiting for 8 hours and the result is only.. Phantoms.. Hope you don't mad with this inconvenience. Some of you maybe send a feedback to Animal Jam Headquarters, or may asking why they do this, what happening, when this happens, etc. For your fun, i will send an e-mail to Animal Jam Headquarters!

Keep Jamming Around the Jamaa,
And see the reply from AJHQ later (if i successfully done this)

New Signatures

Hiya Jammers!

Now we have new signatures for the authors! Me, Milo, and Wolfy! This is the signatures i've made from SparkLee.com. It's an easy way to have fun with signatures!




Thursday, 10 May 2012

Info about SparkLee.com

Hiya Jammers!

See that 'sparkling text' on my blog? With green color? Now, if you want that on your blog, follow these steps :

Click this text on my blog. In the left. Or you just click here.

Click the picture to enlarge it.
This is the picture when you enter the SparkLee.com.

 Type the text that you want.

Select the font that you feel good. If you feel confused, just click the Random Font text.

Pick the size. The normal size (like mines) is 25.

  Text Color : Pick the color you want for the text. Confused? Just use random color.
Back Color : For the background color. If you pick black, the background of your text is black.
Angle* : This is for rotating the text.
*if the angle is 10, it become like this :

Wohoo! FUN-Tastic!

Click this button and see your text!

Once you have done and you feel your text is good, right-click on the text. Click 'Save Image As...' after you right-click on the text. Then save into your computer.

Whoopie! Your text is done. Use it as signature, text on blog, your blog title, or anything you want. Have fun doing your text!